Never Settle for Par

Welcome to Never Settle for Par where we give insights on how to use lessons learned in golf to win in your life and your business. Learn from some of golf’s greatest teachers and sports psychologists in the greatest game every played and how they Never Settle for Par. Support this podcast:

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Tuesday May 21, 2024

Learn how MM Regional Manages and what makes his style and leadership effective. How MM differs from other companies in it's culture of putting LO officers first and empowering them to serve Real Estate Agents
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Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Life and Loans - a discussion with industry veteran Dennis Heuman
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Climbing Higher David Colgan

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

Reaching new Heights with Movement Mortgage Regional Director David Colgan on mountain climbing, ice climbing and his journey as a leader
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Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Interview of Virgil Herring after his Ted Talk Old Hickory on the habits and systems our elite military uses to win. Working on your Mindset - His Podcast with Drew Maddux and coaching top performing athletes
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Monday Jun 07, 2021

Knowing the importance of non verbal communication.
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Wednesday Aug 26, 2020

How Can your self talk and self image distort your view of seeing the world as it really is.
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Tuesday Aug 11, 2020

There is business out there everywhere right now guys. Just by answering your phone and doing your job, business should be pouring in. Take care of the person in front of you, do a good job, show appreciation, ask for referrals. If you are working you should be winning. It's just simple blocking and tackling. The biggest thing that your referral partners expect is to communicate well, properly set expectations on closings and do what you say you're going to do. If you can do that and ask for referrals he will get them because others are not doing it.
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Rip it off FAST!

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020

Setting prosper expectations with yourself and with your clients in delivering bad news fast Is often better For everyone then putting it off.
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Thursday Jul 30, 2020

Use the questions that your clients have to create social media posts, blog content and website FAQ's. It's likely they are not the only ones with the question.
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Tasting the Goods

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020

How to deliver a more predictable customer experience by "tasting your own fares."
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Coach Wade Conway

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