Never Settle for Par

Welcome to Never Settle for Par where we give insights on how to use lessons learned in golf to win in your life and your business. Learn from some of golf’s greatest teachers and sports psychologists in the greatest game every played and how they Never Settle for Par. Support this podcast:

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Goal Setting

Tuesday May 12, 2020

Tuesday May 12, 2020

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Brand Your Passion

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

How to use something that you are Passionate about to Build Your Brand
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Friday Apr 24, 2020

Interview with Top Producer Sean Poole on how he is using Clarity, Context and Confidence to win new agents in times of Chaos.
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Thursday Apr 23, 2020

How Dane uses great videos and Branding to set himself apart from other Loan Officers
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Thursday Apr 23, 2020

Joseph Graves AKA Gravy of I Hate Buying Insurance shares with us how he built a huge business by being a connector using networking and not being salesy. Just being the guy that connects others and builds relationships.
Connect with him at
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Thursday Apr 02, 2020

Right now presents a great opportunity for those who want to step up their influence and branding
How you ask? There are 3 things people ALWAYS want to know about
1. Health
2. Money
3. Relationships
Here is how you can serve
Interview experts in these areas - for example
1. Interview a financial planner on what to do if you are laid off
2. Interview a local doctor, fitness instructor, or a dietitian on health
3. Interview a chef on simple meals made from home
4. Interview a psychologist on relationships
Thought Leaders can grow their sphere on influence , bring real value to their community and come out stronger by doing this
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Tuesday Mar 31, 2020

Forbearance is not Equal to Forgiveness
The Government has created the CARE Act, to assist homeowners whose income may have been adversely impacted by the coronavirus. One of the components of the CARE Act is the possibility of mortgage forbearance.
Forbearance is often misinterpreted. And while it is intended to help, it can have some dangerous repercussions. Many people are mistakenly thinking that forbearance equals forgiveness. It does not.
Forbearance means that the payments will be suspended for a short period of time, initially up to 6 months, but will need to be caught up when the forbearance period is over.
Think about when you buy something at a furniture store that offers “no payments” for 3 months. You still must pay for the furniture…the payments are just deferred.
But mortgage forbearance is even worse if the borrower has dug themselves in a deep hole and can’t catch up. Should this happen, the lender will enforce their right to be paid, which may cause the borrower to be foreclosed upon. They could lose all the equity in their home in the process.
Forbearance is designed to help those as a measure of last resort. It is not a free pass and may have serious consequences.
Depending on your situation,let me introduce you to a friend in your state that may be able to help by eliminating your debts, lowering your payment, and giving you a cash cushion during these turbulent times.
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Friday Mar 27, 2020

If you’ve been watching my Daily updates, you may remember I mentioned a potential tightening in the mortgage credit markets soon
🚨 Lenders are now suspending locks on some products - non QM for example
🚨 Credit score requirement are increasing on government loans
🚨 New guidance on verification of employment
🚨 I-buyers Exiting the Market
While I expect these changes to be short term it’s important to get with your lender and understand what changes are occurring and how they may affect any clients
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Tuesday Mar 24, 2020

How to use a scheduling app and time blocking to deal with high call volume and staying on task
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Monday Mar 23, 2020

10 Lessons from Dr Bob Rotella on winning your Major that can apply to the turbulent times
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Coach Wade Conway

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